Book Publishing

The Legend Of The Stones Of Life The Birth Of The Gods: Evincepub Book Reviews

The extra-terrestrial and the life beyond earth in any part of space always charms and excites the imagination of every person. Children and grown-ups equally are in the grip of this one thought and have their own imagination and ideas about the world which is unseen for everyone. But many authors, through their exceptional thought and imagination add on to the existing thoughts and make sure that a new dimension is added to the existing idea about the unseen. The fantasy story about extraterrestrial civilization, The Legend of the Stones of Life the Birth of the Gods” by Peter Kent, Published by Evincepub Publishing is a step ahead in this direction which, through the out-of-the box thought of the author, is a marvel in its creation.

While for many, the book would simply strike as a fictional portrayal of a world beyond the world of human beings, the manner in which Kent creates this universe not only excites and helps the readers think beyond the ordinary dimensions, but it also helps them see a different world through a fresh pair of eyes, the eyes of the author. While discussing about various aspects in “The Legend of the Stones of Life the Birth of the Gods,” the author divides the book into two parts. The first part, where the narrator Jaz Tar Akesium, the administrator, talks about the different world, his world, known as Asnium, where the autotrophic living beings live. The narrator tells the readers about the different aspects of the new world, the kind of life there exists, the social setup and role construction, their lifestyle and all that is a part of the setup of their world. He also talks about how Asnians are divided into five categories of beings with different life expectancies. The smallest one and fifth categories are immortals, to which the narrator belongs. He shares various details about the king, his administration, management, the citizens and many facts which excite the readers’ imagination in no time. He further mentions their technologies, quantum physics, love and hatred and how Asnians are great builders. The life they are building enables their society to live in welfare and prosperity, love and mutual respect. The way Asnium is described is extraordinarily fascinating.

The second part is where Jaz narrates the story written by King Arbatron, which contains 37 chapters and starts with Soul. How Soul gets a physical body and wakes up from their singularity or dream and finally leaves the body again returns to their dreamland. This cycle continues until they find the way leading to eternal life, which is their mission. Further, “The Legend of the Stones of Life the Birth of the Gods” discusses everything about the history of the origin of their planet, about the universe. It highlights how the big bang happened, and suddenly everything lit up again. The plot continues in a very lucid way between the force of darkness and the stones of life.

Some lines like,

“Rise wisely, put all your heart and love in it and your nation will love you as much as you love your nation.” and

“Plant a tree, build a house and expand the life in it.” Would become instant favorites of the readers.

However, the most inspiring line may be,

“You are learning to be able to live in this world full of tests and trials, so one day you can find your way to reach your aim, which is to find your inner peace and happiness and finally, you will enjoy all the flavor which life brings.” This book also imparts valuable life lessons where it teaches that life is full of different crossroads, untrodden paths; we must choose which path to travel and continue our journey. The journey will be full of uncertainties, hardships, lessons yet beautiful and exciting, and one day; we will fulfill what we want. Thus, “The Legend of the Stones of Life the Birth of the Gods” makes the readers see life from different perspectives. The book’s cover is attractive and full of stars, planets, and many more, telling us about the story and is beautiful. The part where “Soul” was mentioned and described is something which is beyond imagination; it would the readers imagine Soul moving from one body to another which is just a further push to their imagination. The most important about any book is that the writer can make the reader imagine the story, and in this book, the writer fulfilled this idea of imagination. Kent has indeed done marvelous work, written the book very beautifully and excitingly. The story is enchanting and intriguing. The book is short, and once you start reading, it’s impossible to keep it apart until the end. This book is recommended to the readers who love reading about creating the magical world, stars, soul, fantasy and a world beyond.

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