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Tranquility is A Disguise


by Darakshan Razvi

ISBN: 9789354460500

PRICE: 150

Pages: 58

Language: English

Category: POETRY / Women Authors

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



Tranquility is a Disguise is a book of short poetries by Darakshan Razvi, a first-time author. It takes us into the reality of life and shows how everything visible to the eye can be a facade. Inspired by the events witnessed by her in life she has penned down a total of 50 poems, each with the theme of seeing the world with a new outlook. The different poetries in this book will invoke a variety of feelings in the reader. The world can be a totally different place than we believe it to be once we see it without the glitz and glam. Rather than accepting things as imperfect as they are, we always cover them up with a pleasing blanket of lies. Razvi, in this book expresses that living in a world of faults together is the beautiful reality of life. The dream of a perfect world is what keeps us going. Tranquility is a disguise depicts the various times in life where we consider ourselves in bliss but the heart and mind run in chaos. Until the heart and mind are not in rest, tranquility is a disguise given to the chaos.

About The Author.

Darakshan Razvi is currently a student studying majors in journalism, literature and political science. She first began writing poetry in middle school and was very much praised by her parents and teacher which encouraged her to gain interest in writing. Later on she went onto winning many competitions held in her high school for poetry and writing. After completing her high school, she finally decided to pursue her passion for writing and published her first book called Tranquility is A Disguise in the genre of poetry. Her favorite works in literature include The Tempest, Looking for Alaska, The Great Gatsby and Break Your Glass Slippers.


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