“The moments I took a pause…”, is a conglomeration of 80 of countless pictures, Archana Sundareshan has taken and her commemoration to the spirit of travel, openness, adventure, fearlessness, seeking and experiencing the quintessence of life. The cover photo symbolic of the conundrum of human significance and insignificance in cosmos.
Flipping through the pages the readers will see stark contrasts in landscapes viz deserts of Abu Dhabi to lush green meadows of Kudremukha national forest, Himalayan mountains to Bali beaches, celebrated locations of Khumbu valley to hidden nature treasures of Western Ghats, embodiment of perfection by Michelangelo to a nameless modest woman along the countryside of Nepal, terrain of a volcano stuck Cappadocia to cultivated rice terraces in Indonesia, Norwegian roads to Scotland trains, the sophisticated luxuries of Middle East to recluse elementary of Varanasi, a leaf in a national monument to flamingos in a zoo, majestic Matterhorn to sounds of New Zealand, stellar structures from around the world, the play of sunlight to the spectacle of supermoon, the metaphors on seasons of life, euphoric children, sunsets, storms, outlandish lighthouse, wonderful whales to endearing sheep, the hues of blue and more. The diversity she witnessed during her travel to 26 countries so far, dissolved judgments and transcend human made boundaries thereby liberating her to embrace the universal camaraderie.
She strives to promote “Travel integrated lifestyle, to transcend from the bound to boundless, uncover and give expression to the unknown within you”. Hope this book inspires the readers to embark on their next travel.
About the author:

Archana is a Technologist by profession, Writer and Photographer by passion, Yoga Teacher by conscious choice, English Teacher to underprivileged girls from rural parts of India by inspiration, Mother to a tenacious daughter and an endearing furry canine son, Mrs. India Earth 2021 finalist and a Traveler at heart making every journey of life count and a Seeker at soul uncovering more of her every day. Currently Archana is living with her loving family in Bangalore.
Archana has traveled to 26 countries so far and she counts this as her most valuable investment in life. What started off as a holiday morphed into a cause she strives for and a lifestyle she promotes via her website Travels have uncovered the prolific writer, award-winning photographer, a Himalayan hiker in her and recently added this book to her name. It has made her experience the quintessence of life, be empathetic, positive, fearless and pushed to even pursue Yoga teacher certification. Every holiday, she returned so enriched and evolved that it changed her perspective orthogonally to see travel as an investment than expenditure.
Archana strives for multiple causes namely, bringing to life technology products that will obliterate time and space thereby creating a level playing world with equal opportunities for all, promote travel integrated lifestyle to fearlessly transcend humanmade boundaries and embracing universal camaraderie, raise awareness on holistic well-being inspired by Yogic wisdom and educating the underprivileged.
“The moments I took a pause…”, is a conglomeration of 52 of countless pictures Archana Sundareshan has taken and her commemoration to the spirit of travel, openness, adventure, fearlessness, seeking and experiencing the quintessence of life. The cover photo is symbolic of the conundrum of human significance and insignificance in the cosmos.
Flipping through the pages the readers will see stark contrasts in landscapes viz the deserts of Abu Dhabi to lush green meadows of Kudremukha national forest, Himalayan mountains to Bali beaches, celebrated locations of Khumbu valley to hidden nature treasures of Western Ghats, embodiment of perfection by Michelangelo to a nameless modest woman along the countryside of Nepal, terrain of a volcano stuck Cappadocia to cultivated rice terraces in Indonesia, Norwegian roads to Scotland trains, the sophisticated luxuries of Middle East to recluse elementary of Varanasi, a leaf in a national monument to flamingos in a zoo, majestic Matterhorn to sounds of New Zealand, stellar structures from around the world, the play of sunlight to the spectacle of supermoon, the metaphors on seasons of life, euphoric children, sunsets, storms, outlandish lighthouse, wonderful whales to endearing sheep, the hues of blue and more. The diversity she witnessed during her travel to 26 countries so far, dissolved judgments and enabled to transcend human made boundaries thereby liberating her to embrace the universal camaraderie.
She strives to promote “Travel integrated lifestyle, to transcend from the bound to boundless, uncover and give expression to the unknown within you”. Hope this book inspires the readers to embark on their next travel.
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