Viswanatha Sarma, having a profound fascination for crime thrillers and detective novels. Over a decade ago, during his 12thstandard, he initially drafted the idea for this fiction story book, which started as a short story but evolved into a captivating novel. With meticulous effort and passion, Sarma transformed the plot and characters, creating an intricate narrative that would later become his debut book.
After years of honing his manuscript, Sarma’s hard work paid off as he successfully published this first novel, “The Killer’s Ring.” This mysterious thriller takes readers on a gripping journey into the world of detectives, offering an enthralling and suspenseful experience. This achievement serves as a significant milestone in Sarma’s writing journey, showcasing his talent and dedication to the genre he holds dear.
Two friends, Krishna and Kumar, visit Shimla for their uncle’s wedding but unexpectedly find themselves entangled in a series of mysterious deaths. Instead of enjoying the beauty of Shimla as planned, they decide to investigate the incidents.
• What strategies did they form?
• Who helped them?
• Did they succeed in their investigation?
• Who are they?
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