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The Soul Stirrings


The Didayi tribe’s Cultural Contours and Heritage

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by An Anthology By Worldwide Authors, Kawalpreet Kaur, Sona Sehrawat

ISBN: 9789390442706

PRICE: 700

Pages: 511

Language: English

Category: Nonfiction

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



“To live life fully, you must keep the spark alive. This spark needs the fuel of motivation- it may be intrinsic or extrinsic. Only the good phases of life don’t need to provide us the required motivation. The dark phases of life also come to give the most valuable lessons of life.
We decided to create a book that has a global value on motivation factors. What are those common human emotions that are relevant across the globe when it comes to motivation? These dark phases of life have their own charm and tell us constantly that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Globally, 17 authors decided to collaborate on penning down their experiences of what keeps them motivated in their dark phases of the year.
Together, we created a series of two books spanning almost lac words on the wisdom of these intellectuals from different parts of the country. We made sure that we represent this motivation from all the five continents from 11 countries authors.
This book is an effort to keep your spirit high throughout the year. Every day and the month of the year have a different value to give you a direction to take one more step towards your goal.
We wish you a blessed year ahead.”


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