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by Dambaru Sisa

ISBN: 9789389988727

PRICE: 399

Pages: 277

Language: English

Category: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Social Science / Sociology

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



To write and study on the Bonda tribal community are so difficult, because the Bonda habitat is almost secluded or relatively isolated, eco-inhospitable and inaccessible, and the language is the main barrier for outsiders. Some limited references about the community are available in the stores. Some limited researchers and ethnographers studied on this community and gave some valuable information about them. Varrier Elwin (1950) may be admired as the philanthropologist who through his valuable data produces a monograph on the Bondo Highlanders. He gave the details of social organisation, socio-economic, socio-cultural life, and magico-religious life about the Bonda community. The book is specially written for the Bonda community and the title of the book is “The Bonda tribes, socio-cultural system and change,” in which it is mentioned that the Bonda tribal society is in a state of change. They are experiencing socio-cultural change in their lifestyle, aspiration and value orientation. Planned and development intervention for the tribal people over halfa century and more specifically micro-level efforts for the particular Venerable Tribal Groups including Bondaover nearly three decades have not achieved the desired result, and a hiatus has been created between the expectation of the tribals and achievement by the Government. The development schemes and programmed have to be people-centred, eco-friendly and in consonance with their culture, to make significant dent in their development process.

About The Author

“I am Dambaru Sisa, Master in Law (LLM). I belong to the Bonda community. The purpose of the book is to convey about the most isolated tribe’s the Bondas culture, tradition, Socio-Cultural relations, and system, Socio-Economic conditions and traditional rituals and traditional councils system and functions to all those who are still unknown. To know the characters and problems on the presentation of anthropological materials is not easy for the Bonda tribes. This book, therefore, I will, I hope, be accepted as strictly limited study part of the Bonda life, I have tried to discover how the Bonda feels and thinks, how he reacts to great crises of life.


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