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Statistical Predictive Modelling through R Programming


by Laxmi Lydia E, Shankar K, S.Sheeba Rani, Lakshmanaprabu S.K


PRICE: 450/-

Pages: 250

Category: EDUCATION / Computers & Technology

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



This book is to work on various modelling predictive analysis for statistical data and graphical presentation through R programming. R is major tool implemented in statistical research as well as used in many applications like banking, insurance, healthcare and in business analytics that contains large datasets of hidden patterns. It performs handling data, displaying data and storing data by using set of arithmetic operations over matrices and arrays. To handle data R programming creates data structures. In chapter1, the author describes the need of analytics in different sectors and specific areas of R programming. In Chapter2, the author describes R installation and process of working using basic Math functions, operations and by generating classes. In chapter3, the author describes different control statements in R programming by handling functions and examples for sorting techniques. In chapter4, the author describes the perception of math and simulation for professional statistics based on distribution functions. Key concepts for reading and writing files through accessing files from keyboard and monitor. In chapter5, the author describes solving procedures for statistical problems using probability distributions, basic statistic functions, correlation and covariance. In chapter6, the author describes various implementations of regressions models through linear and non-linear models by loading R packages and installations. In chapter7, the author describes graphical use of statistics through R and real-time examples for business analytics and bank using R clustering performing k-means.

About The Author

and teaching. His current research interests include Cryptography and Network Security, Cloud security, Image Processing and Soft Computing Techniques. Dr.S.Sheeba Rani is a faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. She has completed her under graduation in Instrumentation and Control Engineering and postgraduation in Embedded Systems Technologies from College of Engineering, Anna University Chennai. She has also secured a post graduate in Business Administration from Madras University. She has been conferred doctorate in Embedded Systems Engineering Education from National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research, Chennai. She has authored more than 50 scientific publications and 8 books. Her research interests are Biomedics, Internet of things and Curriculum development. Prof.S.K. LAKSHMANAPRABU received his BE degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2009. He did his Masters in M.E. Industrial Engineering from Sudharsan Engineering College, Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu in the year 2011. He received National Fellowship from University Grand Commission, Govt. of India, Delhi, for doing his Ph.D. degree for the Year of 2013-2018. His area of interests include Multivariable Control, Evolutionary Algorithm, Fuzzy Logic Control, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Model Based Development and Hardware in the loop Testing. He is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.


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