About The Book
The novel ‘SHACKLES OF CHAOS’ is a close portrayal of the modern society. Based on the philosophy of realism, having the magical realism elements in it, the novel clearly portrays the chaotic and troublesome modern society. Having its setting in rural Kashmir, particularly, in the villages of Naagwan and Gowhergund where the story begins and ends as well, after going through a subplot which is having its setting in a mysterious world of Middleland, the novel talks at length on the issues which are faced by the people in one way or the other in the modern era. The rise of chaos, disorder and insecurities in the modern society and the involvement of the youth folk in the heinous crimes is the main theme of the novel. It brings the modern society in the limelight that how our societies have turned chaotic and troublesome with the passage of time and have resulted in the unhappiness, depression and delusions. It talks at length that how people and especially, youth is leading itself towards the havoc and failure. How they are running the race of getting the royal tag in the society while neglecting their capabilities and potentialities and how the dream of becoming the overnight billionaires has given a rise to crimes and lawlessness. The novel conveys the message that in the modern world the man has lost the moral values while running the race of name and fame in the society. The humans have lost the humanity and the real motive of their being. They want to be the supreme even on the cost of others’ lives. Hopelessness, bad consequences of rumors, play of fate are the other themes of the book.
About The Author
IshfAq SaAhil is a poet and novelist from Jammu and Kashmir, India. He was born in 1991 to Ghulam Ahmad Bhat and Fatima Begum in a distant village, Larnoo, Kokernag. SaAhil received his early education from English Medium School (Larnoo) and Iqbal Memorial Institute (Kokernag). Besides being a novelist, SaAhil writes poetry in English and Urdu and his poems have Been featured in many national and international journals and poetry anthologies. “SHACKLES OF CHAOS” is a debut novel of SaAhil and is a close portrayal of a society. Based on the philosophy of realism, having the elements of magical realism in it, the novel goes through many twists and turns and ends in a suspense.
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