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Inspiring Women : Unstoppable and Unbreakable


The Magical Life

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by: Neera Manchanda

ISBN: 9789354462450

PRICE: 200

Pages: 142

Category: REFERENCE / Atlases, Gazetteers & Maps (see also TRAVEL / Maps & Road Atlases)

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days


About the book

Road to Serenity. The subject book is a walk from ‘misinterpreted existence’ to ‘permanent bliss’ via the road to serenity. Misinterpreted existence is our illusory existence in this world of plurality that we believe is our permanent residence within the confines of our body, mind and intellect and our attachment to our ego. Knowing one’s true Self is Atman, spirit and Pure Consciousness, we ignore it, whereas we worship the body which is made of matter and will end up in the cremation ground! Seeking solutions to personal sorrows in this changeable world, the three major paths of Bhakti, Karma and Gyan offer choices that each individual is free to select from. Bhakti is devotion and a heart full of love, takes the seeker to both an inward and outward journey. He is permitted to use any or many of the rituals of prayer, jaap, puja as prescribed by the Vedas, adoration and meditation. Regularity of practice and devotion will lead the devotee to his cherished goal of permanent peace or Atman. Selfless Karma is the next option hich does not bind one to the Karma results and to Sansar. Finally, Gyan Marg takes one to Saguna and Nirguna Brahm, the God with and without qualities. Sensitive and intuitive mind and intellect can discriminate between true and false and take one to the Ultimate Reality Brahm, Atman. It is realized that a combination of all three margs makes the seeker fit for moving on the road to serenity and permanent bliss.

About the author

Neera Manchanda, the author was born, brought up, educated and married in New Delhi. She lives in Gurugram with her husband, surrounded by her daughter and son and their families. She worked for an Indian Airline for over thirty years when she decided to take Voluntary Retirement and devote herself to writing poetry and painting. Her interest spanned creative and spiritual fields. The spiritual depths are provided by extensive reading on the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramana Maharishi, Swami Vivekananda, Adi Shankaracharya. Practical experiences resulting from weekly meditations undertaken in groups and individually, over years, brought her to a sincere desire to share the benefits with others to enable them attain balance in their life’s situations. Her books reflect her spiritual being. ‘Kavyanjali- A String of Pearls’ is the first book on poems that was published by the author including her original paintings which reflected her spiritual inclination as well as depicted her joy of living in myriad colours and moods. She wrote and published ‘The Gita for You and Me’ for her children, who understood and appreciated their first scripture. ‘Meditation for Beginners- The Search Within’ became a handbook for those who sought to enter the world of meditation based on practical exercises. In order to explain what Vedanta stands for in simple terms, ‘Vedanta- the Precious Jewel’ was published earlier this year. The present book ‘Road to Serenity’ is placed in these tumultuous times, assuring the youth their answers to life’s problems lie in the hearts of the ancients!


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