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Galactic Tales – 2

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Rendezvouz @ me



ISBN: 9789356739505

Price: 275

Page: 74

Category: FICTION

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



“Life’s journey is filled with challenges and changes, often leaving us feeling overwhelmed. However, when we take the time to reflect on our experiences and learn from them, life becomes more manageable. Introspection is a powerful tool that helps us understand our thoughts, emotions, and actions, allowing us to move forward with greater clarity and purpose.This book is designed to be your guide through this process of self-discovery and growth. It delves into the common issues we face in our modern, fast-paced world and provides practical solutions to navigate them. Whether you’re dealing with stress from work, personal relationships, or the constant pressure to adapt to new technologies and social norms, this book offers insights and strategies to help you cope.By focusing on self-awareness and personal development, this book encourages you to take control of your life. It emphasizes the importance of looking within to find answers and encourages you to make changes that align with your true self. The aim is to empower you to handle daily problems more effectively and lead a more fulfilling life.Through real-life examples, thought-provoking exercises, and actionable advice, this book helps you build resilience and adaptability. It acknowledges the complexities of our contemporary lifestyle but also provides hope and guidance for overcoming obstacles. By the end of this journey, you’ll have a deeper understanding of yourself and a toolkit of strategies to face life’s challenges with confidence and ease. In essence, this book is a roadmap for anyone looking to improve their life by embracing introspection and continuous growth, providing the support and solutions needed to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.”


“An educator who embodies the principles of hard work, dedication, and devotion, she views loyalty as the cornerstone of success. For her, the combination of hard work and smart work is not just a motto but a guiding principle that has shaped her career and teaching philosophy. With a robust career spanning over 18 years in education, she brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her role. Additionally, she has served as a CBSE resource person for more than a year, further enhancing her credentials and deepening her impact on the educational community.

Teaching is not merely a profession for her; it is a passion and a calling. She is deeply committed to nurturing her students’ growth and fostering an environment where they can thrive academically and personally. Her approach to education is holistic, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, loyalty, and strategic thinking. She believes that by instilling these values in her students, she prepares them not only for academic success but also for the challenges of life.
Her extensive experience has equipped her with a profound understanding of educational methodologies and the evolving needs of students in a rapidly changing world. As a CBSE resource person, she has contributed to the development and dissemination of best practices in education, helping to shape the future of teaching and learning.
Her dedication to her craft and her unwavering commitment to her students are evident in everything she does. She strives to inspire her students to reach their full potential, fostering a love for learning and a determination to succeed. Her career is a testament to the impact that an educator who truly cares can have on the lives of their students.”


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