
Chitrakala ka Tat Kavita Ka Mansarowar


The Amazing Five


My Dear Parents


by S.Suresh

ISBN: 9789387905214

PRICE: 299/-

Pages: 195

Category: Fiction/ General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days


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This book is the result of an apathy seen in the society. A child is born without any illusions or imagination about its future and parents are the one who guide them to their destination. Then why today’s youngsters are taking the aid of arms and ammunitions to disturb the society at the fall of the hat. Why still there exists a disgraceful proposition like caste discrimination, religious conflicts, domestic violence, gender inequality, child abuse, exploitation, molestation, prostitution etc that depicts our beautiful country as a backward nation? Why do our children contribute/participate in these shameful and anti-social acts and let down themselves and our nation?
Who is responsible for this?
Is bringing up a child easy or difficult?
Is there any set of ways to bring up a child?
Are there any rules or regulations in bringing up a child?
Are there different ways and means to bring up a child?
Who plays an important role and what are they in this act?
In case we narrow down to certain formula, what are they?
This book answers all those parents who are riddled with these questions. This book spells the various do’s and don’ts in order to make our society a great place to live and also to leave a legacy to the next generation and to make the country a proud nation.


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