
Experimental methods for preparation of mannich bases, formazane, normal and cyclic sulfur cmpounds


Chitrakala ka Tat Kavita Ka Mansarowar


First From The Last


by Chiranjeev Sushil Singh

ISBN: 9789387905207

PRICE: 140/-

Pages: 89

Category: Fiction / Romance / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



School Life Is The Best Part Of Our Life. Either It Makes Us Or Breaks Us. This Book Is All About The Journey Of Four Backbenchers Who Gets Separated Because Of Misunderstandings But Are Unable To Stay Separated For Long And Soon Come Back Together. The Book Is Dedicated To Each And Every Friend. Life Will Put You Into Many Problems But Always Remember That If You Have Friends Then The Problems Can Be Easily Solved. Problems Become Mightier When Faced With Friends So This A Small Tribute Not Only To Backbenchers But Every Friend. This Story Will Take You On A Ride Of Roller Coaster Filled With Many Emotions. Friends Tease Like Your Siblings, Support You Like A Big Brother, Take Care Of You Like A Mother And Will Always Be To Your Side In Even The Worst Situation Like Your Father. I Won’t Say That It Will Be The Best Book That You Will Read But It’s Worth Reading At Least Once. Hope You All Enjoy Reading The Book And Do Share The Reviews With Me.


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