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Essence Of Soul And Mind


by Ewelina Maria Bugajska – Javorka

ISBN: 9789390197477

PRICE: 499

Pages: 142

Language: English

Category: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Poetry / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



Soul and mind are such an area of our existence that was already dealt with by the ancient great philosophers. The soul in philosophy is an element of life, in philosophical anthropology, the most commonly accepted that the soul is intelligent and is one of the two essential elements of the structure of humans’ being and so according to Socrates the soul is the right man, its “I”. The issue started by Socrates was continued by Plato, and followed him Aristotle. Plato culled from science of own master Socrates regarded the soul as essence of person. He claimed ” Man is the soul who held a prisoner in human body”. According to Plato the soul consists of three parts:From the reason ( mind), lubricity ( passion) and impetuosity (emotions).Each of these parts has its own place in balanced and peaceful soul. The sense or mind can be compared to chariot carter driving a horse of lust and emotions.Aristotle also distinguished three parts of soul, one of them is rational soul (mind) and is divided into passive reason – receptive and active reason, which is notrelated with the body ( constituting a pure form ), is the only immortal. Many connote the area of spiritualy only with prayer. This claim is very misleading, speaking of the spirits’ needs, I mean setting of a need ofsense and meaning, of appreciation, mindfulness, mission, destiny, prayer, meditation, faith, reflection and society. However speaking of development in the area of mind, I don’t mean only expanding knowledge about the wrold around us. It is also or may be above all taking care of own thoughts, belief, habits, emotions, attitude, moods and interpretation of experiences. It’s taking care of own mental and emontional needs such as self-developmnet, self-realization, knowing (learning), ability to concentrate, personal efficiency. It is also managing of emotions, relations, contact with us, deepenig, new experiences and reaction.In brief, in case, soul is the eseence of human exstence, I believe in, then poetry is further the essence of soul and mind and and now it is in your hands.

About The book

“Ewelina Maria Bugajska-Javorka was born in Poland, and now lives permanently in Denmark. She attended high school of economics and university of philosophy. She is the author of three poetry books. Her poems can be found in many international anthologies. She is a laureate of many international awards and honours. She is a member of the NWNU – Union of Writers of the World. She is the International Goodwill Ambassador for Minorities at The Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities – FAAVM Canada and International Ambassador of The Brahmand Evolution Council, the Universal Mission for Peace, Justice and Humanity.
Approving editor Bharath Vision and Administrator Motivational Strips.”





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