These books in the M. Balakrishna’s Book series help you achieve a high degree of fluency — through self-study (= independent study). Yes, by teaching yourself. Without being coached or trained by anyone — in class or by post or online or through any other method. These are the world’s first dedicated set of fluency-building books. Yes, first. And these were the first books in the world that were based on a great truth: If you’re a person who writes reasonable English or good English, but cannot speak it quite fluently, conventional English- teaching methods cannot make you speak it truly fluently — but self-study can. While more and more conventional teacher- directed learning would only make you go on being an unsure and hesitant speaker, self-directed self-study is capable of transforming you into a supremely fluent speaker. Now, those who can write reasonable English or good English can be divided into two groups: Those whose learning of English and fluency development happened side by side from the very first day they started learning English. (This is how true learning of a language has to happen. This is how native speakers of all languages learn their language). Those whose learning of English happened first, and fluency-development efforts happened separately, much later. (This is how non native speakers of English learn their language through conventional methods). As far as the first group of people is concerned, most of them must be reasonably fluent now, and many of them, remarkably fluent. The contents of these books are self- explanatory — clear and easy to understand, without needing any extra instruction or explanation. You know, the fluency skill is a unique skill. The only one of its kind. You can’t learn it in the same way as you learn computer skills or mathematics or swimming. No, you can’t. The fluency skill needs a different approach.
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