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Drops of Memories


by Nandhini Chithra

ISBN: 9789390197040

PRICE: 180

Pages: 119

Language: English

Category: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



Every moment of life is filled with millions of memories, indeed. Those memories when they rain into our heart as verses fill the white bare sheet with its charming drops and make it colourful with its own emotions and feelings, and that’s when a beautiful poetry is born. Each poem you come across in ‘Drops of Memories’ has its own meaningful memories that never fade. Poetries are the treasures that dwell in this world even after the poets’ demise. These poetries are made of everlasting memories and are immortal too. Each drop of poem is a drop of memory I have experienced in life to the zenith. May it be happiness or sadness, love or friendship, scars or wounds, may it be anything in life that are experienced, become memories. Some memories are carried to grave, but some, beyond that. It’s true that one’s emotions and feelings cannot be expressed exactly through verses, yet they still can be tried expressing as far as one can. To fathom each drop of my memory one has to see through heart and read from soul. I acknowledge that my memories through poems are from deep within my heart and soul which expressed them at least in most possible ways if not to the fullest.




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