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Drop: Power to Change the World


By: Aman Saxena

ISBN: 9789363553378

Price: 430

Page: 307

Category: JUVENILE FICTION / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



“Drop: Power to Change the World” is a compelling narrative that captures the essence of transformation and the ripple effects of our actions. This novel intricately weaves a tale of individuals whose lives intersect in unexpected ways, revealing the profound impact one person can have on many.
At the core of this story is Mark Frost, a man whose ordinary life is thrust into a whirlwind of change when he uncovers truths that redefine his understanding of family, loyalty, and purpose. As Mark grapples with these revelations, he discovers that the power to alter the world lies within his grasp.
Set against a tapestry of vivid settings—from vibrant cityscapes to solemn graveyards—each chapter unfolds with rich emotion, humor, and suspense. “Drop” delves deep into the human experience, exploring how our unseen bonds shape our destinies and how even the smallest actions can lead to monumental shifts.
This novel invites readers on a journey through a world where every secret uncovered and every choice made can start a cascade that changes everything. It’s a testament to the enduring strength of connections forged in adversity and a celebration of the indomitable human spirit.


Just like the interwoven destinies in his novel, Aman Saxena’s life is a tapestry of stories, each thread a different city, a new adventure. Born in Jodhpur and raised under the wings of a defense family, Aman’s journey has been nothing short of a novel in itself—spanning from the snow-kissed peaks of Srinagar to the hometown of Uttar Pradesh.
Aman has always been a storyteller at heart, finding kindred spirits in the pages of novels and echoes of his imagination in the flicker of movie screens. His first foray into writing might have earned him some ribbing from his cousins, but it also sparked a promise—a vow to craft a story so compelling, it would leave its mark on the world.
Now, as the author of “Drop: Power to Change the World,” Aman stands at the precipice of his dream, his life’s narrative merging with his fiction. His mantra is simple yet profound: live your life as you write your stories—with passion, with purpose, with the power to change everything.


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