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CYBER SECURITY – Kind of big deal


By: AJ David

ISBN: 9789363551626

Price: 263

Category: COMPUTERS / Cybernetics

Delivery Time: 9-11 Days




With emerging Cyber security tools there are also new threats emerging everyday from the hackers. It will be really foolish to think that using the latest technology can reduce the risk of being hacked which is the biggest mistake we can do. To catch a thief sometimes a police man has to think like a thief, same way it is foolish to think we are safe with the latest cyber security tools, if we want to stay secure, we have to think like a hacker to find all the possible vulnerabilities as Hacker can be suing the most automated bots to attack.

Since future is all about the data and network security, this book is the guide for all the beginners who want to plunge into the super exciting world of cyber security.

Author Description

Author Dave is an Indian writer mostly writing motivational stories, articles, journals in category of fiction & non fiction both.

Born and brought up in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

It all started with a good book. Journey from a techie to a writer, once while working in Bangalore, India his friend gave him a good book to read, Dave had no habit of reading and laughed, mocked and said who reads books and me? It’s too boring, how do people even read them and said no but as his friend insisted, he took it and amazingly as he started reading it, he didn’t realize when he got so entangled in it and completed reading it too, that’s when the fire of writing kindled in him.

Dave did not leave techies life, he is still working in corporate sector as a Techie but along with that he has kept the passion of writing alive.

Once Sudha Murthy one of the founders of Infosys tech giant said, best gift you can give to child is a good book to read.

Same way Author Dave believes the best gift to someone to give is a good book to read.


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