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Awaken the Principal within You: The Principal’s Companion to Master Strategies of School Leadership, Revitalise and Ignite the Passion for Transforming Education


By: Dr. Manjiri V. Bakshi

ISBN: 9789356731639

Page: 114

Price: 245

Category: Self-Help/ General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



Why does the goal seem so far away, when the way to school development and students’ results is paved with good intentions”? Are the school leaders fully equipped for all the challenges of the future?” If you’re honest and one of the creative educators, the reason is a pothole, known as the implementation gap. The book will give you a road map to bypass that gap in your school. This book has been written to guide the principals and school leaders on a successful journey, readable like a magazine – pick up any chapter and start reading. It is a collection of experiences covering important topics like communication, building trust, learning to change, mediating conflict, and how to balance mental well-being. We now live in an increasingly interdependent international community, where success or failure in one country has consequences for many others. In the phase of this growing body of knowledge and experience, it is clear that now is the time to Step Up Efforts to strengthen School leadership. Attitudes are like babies that require constant attention and care, and attitudes are contagious. Creativity and innovation are the basis for strengthening and applying the entrepreneurial competence of principals in managing their schools. The book deals with the emotional and moral dimensions of school leadership and will serve as the primary source of examining the leadership role of principals to prepare them as pedagogical leaders.


Life is so beautiful, Dr Manjiri V. Bakshi is a well-known Educationist, having 22 years of experience in this field as a lecturer and principal. In addition to the qualification being done PhD in Management, she also holds an MA (Public Administration & Sociology), DBM, B.Ed., PG Diploma in Rural Development, PG Diploma in Counselling and Guidance, MBA in human resource management, and MSW ongoing. During the Corona epidemic, she enrolled herself in the course of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), related to the subconscious mind, which changed her perception towards life. Currently, as NLP Master Practitioner, she works as a counsellor, and Happiness Coach and believes in growing and contributing to society. She runs a program named ‘Rewire the Brain’ for teachers, educators, students, parents, working professionals, adolescents, and housewives which is related to focus aspects of life, removing negative perceptions, stress, depression and anxiety, building confidence, work-life balance, personality development, suicide prevention, wellness etc. She is the creator of the NLP Mental Balance Model helping people by Design Thinking. She works as a treasure of the principal forum and is an active member of the Federation of Educational Societies (FES). She has won ‘Wheel Smart Shrimati’, a game show hosted by senior actor Annu Kapoor on National Television. She has won ‘Mrs. Bhagyalaksmi’ TV show on Bhopal Doordarshan. She is an active member of ‘SHAKTI’ Mahila Vignyan Bharti. She is an active member of the ‘Initiative for Moral and Cultural Training Foundation’ (IMCTF) program.


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