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Malhar Rao Se Prerit Kartritv


The Magical Life

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ISBN: 9789354464843

PRICE: 425

Category: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days


About the book

An excellent researcher might synthesize the paper well but might be very artless at attuning his emotions. An attentive painter might be creative at using colors, but he might not be able to utilize leisure intelligently. One who is congenial in different social settings might not have a formidable sense of self-worth. Despite knowing the purpose of life, a social worker might not be able to break the limitations of compulsive thinking to enter into the world of consciousness. Each of us is skilful in some capacity while being callow in others. Enter into the world of values relating to the cognitive, affective and spiritual domain to lead a desirable path forward. After going through this text, you may anticipate a sense of direction to and balance in your diverse competencies to give a wholesomeness to your existence. It will facilitate converting your imagination of being creative, analytical, purposeful, mindful, self-worthy, confident, humble, adaptable, faithful, and socially adept into reality. “Intelligent living” is the holistic approach to inculcating the strengths to embrace possibilities and channelize them into the consciously desired way of living.

About the author

Ayushi Rawat is an observer, learner, writer, blogger and consultant. A self-proclaimed lover of art and yoga, she decided to make a transformational change in the educational process by providing holistic value-based education. She founded an organization, Cushy Values dedicated to the same. Her exposure to the different experiences – struggling at attempting civil services, winning a Yogathon, and encountering spiritual leaders made her learn the benefits of harnessing multiple capabilities of a human. After completing her Bachelors in Business Administration, she observed the pain of others for not learning adequate and holistically. She counted this observation as the privilege to start viewing ‘learning’ as different from formal education. She is just a determined consultant to several schools who searched for effective learning and teaching methods and now envisages mentoring everybody on what she learnt as part of her process.


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