“E.D THE DEMIDEVIL is a crime thriller. In the story a masked figure kidnaps innocent girls from their homes and he hides in an abandoned bungalow on the edge of town. The story opens with the disappearance of Dayana and Divya two young girls, who are preyed upon by the same predator. Our hero Alan, a spoiled and reckless boy, lives next door to his best friend Aleena and his girlfriend Lena. The villain ensnares Alan in a trap and abducts Lena. With the help of police officers Sharan and Martina, Alan confronts and kills his foe. The twist: the villain’s identity remains a puzzle for readers to unravel.”
Leenas Thomas, a 36-year-old farmer hailing from the lush hills of Wayanad, Kerala, offers readers an intimate glimpse into his world with this debut book. Surrounded by the majestic mountains, thundering waterfalls, and emerald forests of his childhood home, he grew up enveloped in Mother Nature’s warm embrace. His writings blossom with inspiration drawn from the wildlife and natural beauty that colored his youth.
His home stood nestled amidst coffee plants, a tranquil refuge from the chaos of urban life.
Chennai marked a temporary departure from his roots when he left for university studies.
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