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Voyages and Visions – (Voyages Of The Ethereal Self)


by Muhammad Shanazar

ISBN: 9789389774849

PRICE: 220

Pages: 118

Language: English

Category: POETRY / Asian / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days


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The books ‘Voyages and Visions’, totally consists of forty seven poems in which the poet has expressed his personal spiritual experiences. The purpose of this book to tell the reader that the existence of Man is very complex, He is not as He seems, there are some other bodies that dwell in Him. There had been times in poets’ life when he went through these experiences; while the poet was lying on the bed, he felt something detaching from his physical existence, he felt as if he detached from himself, the detached self along with all senses, excitements, pleasure and fears stood aloof from his physical and material existence. Then it used to fly with incredible speed in total consciousness, the detached-self soared higher and higher farther and farther, father than the distance which might be of many light years. On each such a voyage in the cosmos, at least his question, doubt or suspicion used to be resolved. He described these experiences marvelously in his poems very carefully, avoiding all times exaggeration.

About The Author

Muhammad Shanazar is a poet from Pakistan, he started his career from very humble beginnings. Now he is Associate Professor and on the verge of retirement, he emerged as a poet, critic and translator in the world and got many international awards and literary honours, the list is very long. His published and unpublished books are Gems, The Cold Stars, The Dance of Darkness, Cries In The Wilderness, Voyages and Visions, The Black Roses, The Scent Of Love and Bells Of The Bygone Days. His translated books are ‘The Alien Eyes’, ‘Wrist in the Clutches of Death’, ‘A Tempest In Silence’, ‘Sugar Coated’, ‘Symphony and other Poems’, ‘Snowy Sunlight’, ‘The Coin of Death’, ‘A Garland of Poems’, ‘Withering Dreams’, ‘A Saga of Love’ and ‘The Crop Of Stars’. He often writes against war and wants to see the world in perfect harmony, sans violence wars and wars.


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