
Pure Soulmate


The Photron


Raisa Aur Jadui Tremoland ka Vinashkari Youddh


by Nishesh Wasav

ISBN: 9789387905405

PRICE: 240/-

Pages: 163

Category: FICTION / Romance / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



PAITEE leaves from her boarding school’s hostel to go home with her step mother, but mysteriously she reaches to LAUDA SPIDO’s dangerous and mysterious world “TREMOLAND”. Her twin sister RAISA is also from same school. When she doesn’t get any information about her sister and family, she runs out of hostel in midnight with the help of her friend. When she reaches home, she comes to know that not only PAITEE but her step mother and father are also missing. Through a strange man RAISA comes to know that there is a deep conspiracy behind missing of PAITEE. He also tells her that PAITEE is being turmoil to gain some strange and powerful devil powers, and because of that power gaining practice PAITEE could lose her life. The one who gains these powers can create such a world in which anything could happen according to wish of the PERFECTIVE. RAISA determines to rescue her sister at any cost. Does RAISA rescue her sister from dangerous and mysterious “TREMOLAND” or she fails? How did PAITEE reaches in “TREMOLAND” when she was with her step mother? What happens to her father? Who is practicing for those strange devil power and why? What is the hidden purpose of the PERFECTIVE? What is the truth of TREMOLAND? Is it PAITEE’s…….


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